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Choice 420A

  • EPA accepted replacement for R12 and R500

  • Can be used to replace R134a

  • Nearly identical pressure-temperature relationships as R12

  • Does not require an oil changed. It can be used with any refrigerant oil

  • Can contribute to energy savings

  • Easily recovered with standard recovery equipment

  • Currently used in a wide variety of applications including

    • Chillers

    • Reach-in coolers

    • Bus air conditioning

    • Walk-in coolers


Closest PT match to R12

Closest PT match to R12

Does not require an oil change

Does not require an oil change



R-420A PT Chart

Temp (F)

Liquid Phase Pressure (psig) Vapor Phase Pressure (psig)
-50 -9.5 -9.7
-45 -8.6 -8.8
-40 -7.6 -7.9
-35 -6.5 -6.8
-30 -5.3 -5.7
-25 -4.0 -4.3
-20 -2.4 -2.9
-15 -0.8 -1.2
-10 1.1 0.6
-5 3.2 2.6
0 5.4 4.8
5 7.9 7.2
10 10.6 9.8
15 13.6 12.7
20 16.8 15.8
25 20.3 19.2
30 24.0 22.8
35 28.1 26.8
40 32.6 31.1
45 37.3 35.8
50 42.4 40.7
55 47.9 46.1
60 53.8 51.8
65 60.1 58.0
70 66.8 64.5
75 73.9 71.5
80 81.6 79.0
85 89.7 86.9
90 98.3 95.3
95 107.4 104.3
100 117.1 113.8
105 127.3 123.8
110 138.1 134.4
115 149.5 145.6
120 161.6 157.5
125 174.2 169.9
130 187.6 183.1
135 201.7 196.9
140 216.4 211.5
145 231.9 226.8
150 248.2 242.9


420a cylinder v2.png
R420A Cylinder
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Product Details

Available in 25lb cylinders, Choice R-420A is designed to run in refrigeration, and automotive applications.

Designed to Perform

We designed R-420A to have a nearly identical pressure-temperature (PT) relationship as R-12. This is a key factor in retrofitting without significant deviations in general operation and metering. With R-420A, there is no unit modification needed -saving you time and money.

Consistent Temperatures

Many R-12 alternatives on the market have 3, 4 and even 5 separate refrigerant components that comprise the blend. Each of these components have a unique PT curves that can vary from one another widely. This is known as temperature glide, and glide is a big problem. Glide causes inconsistent evaporator temperatures, resulting in performance degradation .

This is why we designed R-420A to have only 2 refrigerant components and the lowest temperature glide of the leading R-12 alternatives.

Compressor Friendly

We’ve packaged R-420A with a proprietary lubricant, designed to facilitate oil return to the compressor.

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